


Let’s beat Taiko drums to Pop/Rock/Japanese folk music!

Let’s beat Taiko drums to the music such as Pop music,  Rock music, Japanese local folk music!

You can then naturally lean Japanese Taiko beat/rhythm through the lessons!


You do not need any Taiko skills,  any Taiko experience!

Just join our Beat & Bounce workshop.

You can lean unique Taiko beat/rhythm through this workshop, while beating Taiko drums to the music!

You can even enjoy your original/cool choreography with your Taiko performance♪


Lead by “NATSU” , member of Tokyo TAIKO GIRLS

Beat & Bounce Taiko workshop


Twice a mohth,   in the afteernoon on Wednesday !


Schedule in January and February, 2020:

January     22nd

February  5th,    19th


Hour:     15:00~16:30

Place  :Large Studio at Studio Taiko-an   (about 7 minutes walk from Kawasaki station)


Participation fee:   4,000 yen/person/90 minute workshp

Mimimum required number for each workshop:  one person


You can use Taiko drums and drum sticks stored at Taiko-an without any additional charges.


You can book any of above lessons by sending email from Inquiry form on the followin site


or just send me your questions/request to the following address.


Cancellation Policy:  You can cancel your booking without any charges by 21:00 of the day before lessons.

Wadaiko Studio “TAIKO-AN” located in Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref. , is the unique music studio where you can enjoy Taiko lessons from old to young even you do not have any Taiko experience. It is located very close to Kawasaki station which is about 15 minutes from Tokyo station by train, also about 15 minutes from Haneda airport, Yokohama city. So, you can enjoy shoppings and fantastic Japanese foods/drinks after Taiko lessons. English speaker is always here, and you can join our lessons even you do not speak any Japanese. We are also open to any Taiko performers everyday, and you can use our studios like your own private studio with very reasonable costs.



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